Equality at Jacobs

We embrace all perspectives, collaborating to make a positive impact. 我们在社会问题上直言不讳, with public statements and thought leadership to influence a more inclusive workplace and world around us.

Speak up. Speak out.

Today is an opportunity to live our values by speaking up and speaking out against injustice. We're committed to driving and achieving real change – creating a tomorrow we can all be proud of, standing together as one.

Jacobs has launched a global Action Plan for 促进正义和平等, which builds on Jacobs’ existing global inclusion and diversity strategy, TogetherBeyond℠, 并制定可行的举措和可衡量的目标,在公司的持续努力,以解决嵌入式和系统性的种族不平等和社会问题.

员工们与雅各布斯董事会和执行领导团队合作,共同制定了行动计划,概述了三套关键的承诺和具体内容, 可衡量的行动和绩效结果:

  1. Amplify culture of belonging
  2. 根据业绩招聘、保留和提拔黑人员工
  3. 为更广泛的社会结构变革做出贡献
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paper cutout of profiles of people in a diverse array of skin colors

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Jacobs SVP, 首席合规官兼副总法律顾问塔格特·汉森分享了为什么礼貌在公开的工作场所讨论中很重要, 尤其是面对热点话题时.

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“We don’t always have to agree, 但我们应该始终以同情的态度对待他人, 专业精神和求知欲...fostering a work environment that is welcoming and inclusive, in all respects.”

Taggart Hansen

Taggart Hansen

Jacobs SVP, Chief Compliance Officer and Deputy General Counsel

“Here in the United States we have fought hard to ensure that our right to vote transcends gender, race, religion, and yes, even politics. Let’s use our voices as corporate leaders to speak up and speak out.”

Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair


At Jacobs, 我们鼓励员工行使他们的投票权, 并反对阻止任何人这样做的努力.

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“让我们继续建立势头, 为我们LGBTI+员工的权利大声疾呼,并努力成为所有面临歧视的人的最佳盟友, injustice and hatred.”

Joanne Caruso

Joanne Caruso

Jacobs EVP, Chief Legal and Administrative Officer Executive Sponsor PRISM network

Creating a Culture Where Everyone Can Bring their Whole Self to Work

Jacobs is part of Human Rights Campaign's Business Coalition for the Equality Act, and once again one of America's "Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality" for a third year running.

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Enough. Is. Enough.

主席兼首席执行官Steve Demetriou就针对亚洲人的可怕暴力行为传达了重要的团结信息, 世界各地的亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民.

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“我们不能保持中立. 我们必须致力于成为反种族主义者, active allies, 以及各种肤色同事的支持者, identities and backgrounds.”

Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair


Steve Meininger

Jacobs VP, Global Operations Management and Facilities Services

Jacobs Initiates Strategic Partnership to Advance Gender Diversity in the Operations and Maintenance Industry

Our team is partnering with Daughters of Rosie to recruit and retain skilled, 我们项目中合格的女性操作人员和技术人员.

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Dallas Regional Chamber Q&A Series: Steve Demetriou

阐述我们致力于采取可行动的举措和可衡量的目标,以解决根深蒂固的系统性种族不平等问题, Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou participated in the Dallas Regional Chamber’s Q&A series to answer questions about Jacobs’ global Action Plan for 促进正义和平等.

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Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair

“以同理心帮助高层和一线领导人发起关于种族和歧视的艰难对话, Jacobs developed a coaching tool that provides materials to guide teams in honestly addressing the topics.”

Sharon Jean-Baptiste

Sharon Jean-Baptiste


Member Perspective: Sharon A. Jean-Baptiste, P.E. -大费城商会

在大费城商会的一篇文章中, Sharon Jean-Baptiste概述了企业可以采取的步骤,以反对不公正,并致力于推动有色人种社区的变革.

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Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou details eight actions Jacobs is taking to speak up, speak out.

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“As a company we are going to focus on doing our part to get this right, and then we will look more broadly at other things affecting our people and our communities.”

Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair

“Pride month is a time to remind ourselves we can’t be complacent; that we must breathe together or not at all – to celebrate who we are and what we stand for; to remember the names of just a fraction of those we lost to hatred and inexcusable violence...”

Taggart Hansen

Taggart Hansen

Co-Executive Sponsor of Harambee SVP, Deputy General Counsel and Internal Audit

Harambee & 棱镜:团结一致

Harambee的联合执行发起人和高级副总裁, 副总法律顾问和内部审计Taggart Hansen分享了我们的Harambee和PRISM网络是如何站在一起的.

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Celebrating US Supreme Court's Landmark Decision as #OurJacobs

雅各布斯首席法律和行政官、棱镜计划执行发起人乔安妮·卡鲁索(Joanne Caruso)回顾了昨天的里程碑事件.S. 最高法院的裁决呼应了平等和包容.

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“As we have all been seeing and discussing these past few weeks, 为了确保所有人的基本和基本的公民权利和人权,仍有许多工作要做.”

Joanne Caruso

Joanne Caruso

Jacobs EVP, Chief Legal and Administrative Officer Executive Sponsor PRISM network

“现在是我们影响变革的时候了. Turn rhetoric into action. 打造国家新平台. 为所有人创造平等、包容的未来.”

Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair

Taking Action for Inclusion. Now.

Following up to his “speak up, speak out” message, Jacobs Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou shares positive actions for inclusive change.

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Speak Up. Speak Out.

我还记得我们收养儿子雷吉的那天.  He was 14 years old. 能叫他儿子,我感到无比高兴和自豪.  我还记得当我不得不进行“谈话”时.  因为我儿子雷吉碰巧是黑人.

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“坚持正义是我们亚洲体育博彩平台文化的一部分. It’s who we are.”

Steve Demetriou

Steve Demetriou

Jacobs Executive Chair

“在雅各布斯,我们是一个全球社区. 自从我开始担任这个角色以来,我就说过:“我们在一起.” And though this phrase has meant different things at different times, 我是认真的——我们在一起.”

Shelie Gustafson

Shelie Gustafson

Jacobs Chief People & Inclusion Officer

A Message from Chief People & 包容专员谢莉·古斯塔夫森

Chief People & 包容专员谢莉·古斯塔夫森 shares reflections on Jacobs and our values.

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哈兰比发表联合声明, ACE, Careers Network, Enlace, OneWorld, Prism, VetNet and Women’s Network.

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Employee Network leaders


We Live Inclusion

At Jacobs, 我们知道,如果我们包容, we’re more connected, and if we are diverse, we’re more creative. We continue to advance inclusion and diversity to create an environment where all employees can thrive.

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